Most companies have a sales or marketing capability improvement project running every year. However, many of these projects fail to achieve their desired objectives. Processes are created but not used. Dashboards are published but not leveraged. Training is delivered but does not substantially change organizational behavior.
The two primary reasons that projects fall short of their desired goals are:
(a) Projects do not approach the capability development from a holistic perspective.
(b) The capability development model applied is generic and not sensitive to the differences between demand generation activities and other parts of the organization.
When you set out to build a better demand generation capability, for innovation or insights or branding, it is advisable to consider all aspects of the capability and to develop a programmatic approach that incorporates all aspects of the capability.
We recommend a project-based learning approach to capability building, wherein your team(s) apply the new and customized skills and tools to real work to learn and drive real improvement and results.